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Debt-Financing the European Union
The EU has transformed from an international organization to an autonomous legal regime with supremacy and direct effect. However, in...
Economic Sanctions and Human Rights: Quantifying Proportionality
The benchmarks of necessity and proportionality are constants across different inter- pretations of the proportionality principle. Both...
The EU’s Turn to ‘Strategic Autonomy’: Leeway for Policy Action and Points of Conflict
In a world marked by intensifying geopolitical rivalries, supply chain vulnerabilities and disruptive technological change, ensuring...
Are Fingerprints of WTO Staff on Panel Rulings a Problem?
By employing stylometric data analysis, Joost Pauwelyn and Krzysztof Pelc underpin the narrative of a power-mongering World Trade...
The greening of the Economic and Monetary Union
All pillars of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) have unleashed an array of measures to transform the economy towards climate...
The federalism dimension of proportionality
EU Treaties contain an arsenal of purpose-defined and ambiguous competences that are enjoyed by EU institutions, yet devote little...
Monetary Financing and Fiscal Discipline
Rules governing monetary state financing vary across jurisdictions. The mainstream rationale for bans of state financing rests on the...
Neo-Liberalism, State-Capitalism and Ordo-Liberalism: ‚InstitutionalEconomics‘ and ‚Constitutional Choices‘ in Multilevel Trade Regulation
Reforms of international trade and investment law and institutions are hampered by conflicting economic paradigms. For instance,...
Compliance effects of sovereign debt cuts
The controversy about sovereign debt cuts loomed prominently throughout crisis in the European Union (EU), as the EU legal rules were...
EU Economic Governance after the Crisis: Revisiting the Accountability Shift in EU Economic Governance
Numerous scholars have argued that economic governance in the European Union (EU) has undergone an undemocratic shift as part of the...
The EU debt crisis: Testing and revisiting conventional legal doctrine
Controversies surrounding the European sovereign debt crisis loom prominent in the public debate. From a legal perspective, the...
Promoting Coherence Between PTAs and the WTO Through Systemic Integration
The proliferation of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) has resulted in a heterogeneous regime of trade rules applicable among WTO...
All's well that ends well? Crisis policy after the German Constitutional Court’s ruling in Gauweiler
Crisis policy of the ECB has been controversial on the judicial stage between the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) and the German...
Effect-Based Analysis in the Court's Jurisprudence on the Euro Crisis
Effect-based analysis is genuinely implicit in economic reasoning. The jurisprudence developed throughout the debt crisis reveals...
Insurance-type Coordination under EU Law
In the economic policy domain, calls for insurance-type cooperation within the European Monetary Union (EMU) have frequently been made....
Structural Reforms in EU Member States: Exploring Sanction-based andReward-based Mechanisms
An insufficient level of structural reforms remains a perennial phenomenon in the EU. Despite the gradual expansion of macroeconomic...
The Trend towards Non-Consensualism in Public International Law: A (Behavioural) Law and Economics Perspective
Consent as the cornerstone of international law has been under pressure in recent years. Non-consensual forms of cooperation exist across...
The Lender of Last Resort in the Euro Area
Liquidity supply by a Lender of Last Resort (LOLR) can be pivotal for both the conduct of monetary policy and safeguard of financial...
The 'Haircut' of Public Creditors under EU Law
While the Court of Justice of the European Union has approved the European financial assistance schemes, the haircut of public creditors...
Burqas and Bans: The Wearing of Religious Symbols under the European Convention of Human Rights
The wearing of religious symbols has been subject to more or less restrictive national regimes. In Europe, the Convention on Human Rights...
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